

Where to practice rafting, hydrospeed, canyoning, trekking in Valsesia.
You can find us immediately in Varallo! The closest rafting center to Milan, Turin and the lakes of Orta and Maggiore!
Only 30 minutes from the A26 Romagnano Sesia motorway exit.

Via Principale 4, Frazione Crevola
Varallo Sesia (VC) 13019 Italia

Cellulare: 349 86 22 180

Sede Legale
Via B. Sella 148, 13867 Pray Biella

Contact us for more information



    ACCADUEO provides all the necessary equipment for river activities, members are responsible for personal clothing that may get wet: wool, fleece or microfibre long-sleeved shirt, sneakers or trekking boots, socks, swimsuit and everything you need for a shower.


    Participants in river activities must have swimming skills, have no psychophysical contraindications to the practice of sporting activities and comply with the Center’s regulations (which must be signed for acceptance). If you don’t know how to swim, ACCADUEO will not give you the opportunity to participate in the centre’s initiatives, as they could prove dangerous to you.


    All river activities will take place regularly even in case of rain (water below and water above nothing changes, you get wet anyway). Only in the event of a “flood regime”, all activities will be suspended and for those who wish, postponed to a new date (of your choice). The decision to suspend will be taken by the Center and the guides, exclusively for safety reasons. This decision to suspend activities is to be considered unquestionable.


    Minors will be able to participate in the center’s activities only if accompanied by a person in charge.